Michi has been with us since the beginning of 2022. He is currently employed as a data engineer and as such currently mainly responsible for DevOps in one project, cloud infrastructure, further development of the data lake and uses the following tool stack: Java, Spark, Spring Boot, AWS, Jenkins, MySQL...
Besides that he likes to work on frontend topics (e.g. Angular, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)), Big Data or Machine Learning.
When Michi is not sitting in front of his computer, he is passionately busy running around with his kids, torturing his guitar, visiting concerts. Aside from that he is part of the parents hockey team of THC Hanau. Recently, he has also taken up swinging a golf racket.
You can meet him in our office on Tuesdays and Fridays, at the computer or at the coffee machine.
If you are interested in learning more about what Michi or a Data Engineer in general does at ADEAL, just write to us: team@adeal-systems.com