Food & Facility Management

Data and AI solutions from industry experts

Create a menu of optimized planning and calculation processes, less waste and more sustainability with us

Business Benefits

Gain a deeper insight into your costs and revenues as well as the use of goods and personnel.
CO² Saving
Track your sustainability KPIs in the areas of waste management, local procurement and CO² Footprint.
Process Efficiency
Optimize your planning and calculation processes, reduce waste and improve staff deployment.

Data and sources

Process data Purchasing (SCM), food management, facility management, planning and sales
Transaction data Bookings and reservations
Price data Sales and purchase prices, cost of goods sold
Product data Menu plans, recipes, articles, components and ingredients
Assets data Assets and space planning, repair and maintenance work
Interfaces Facility and food IT systems: cash register systems, ERP, CRM, material, asset and room management, service requests, etc.


Three steps take you from the initial analysis to the modern data solution.
Setting the scene
  • What can a data specialist do in a specific case?
  • Development of individual scenarios
  • Workshop: Your company x ADEAL
Creation of the MVP
  • Conception of the MVP
  • Analysis of data sources and IT architecture
  • Implementation and piloting of the MVP for the selected scenario
Further use cases
  • Conceptions of further use cases
  • Draft a roadmap for implementing further use cases
  • Rough draft of a use case-driven data and AI strategy

Request presentation

Fill out the contact form to request a complete presentation
of our condition monitoring approach.

Please feel free to contact us. We will hold a presentation and show the product at a convenient time for you.

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Give us a phone call
+49 (0)6102 574 386 0
