12 September 2024

Innovation meets Finance 2024

On 4 September 2024, the Hessian Ministry of Digital Affairs invited managers from the “Distr@l - Strengthen Digitalization - Live Transfer” programme of funded projects to Biebrich Palace for the “Innovation meets Finance” specialist event. Around 180 participants, including ADEAL Systems, were able to find out about and discuss financing options and instruments.

“In order to maintain the momentum of innovation in Hessen, it is important to enable accompanying or further financing in addition to funding. The event therefore once again offers the opportunity to make direct contacts and exchange ideas,” said Digital Minister Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus.

Dr. Steffen Huth emphasized the need for venture capital for companies: “In times of economic uncertainty and a general reluctance to invest, public venture capital is important for young and innovative companies in order to finance digitalization and transformation projects as well as company growth and thus strengthen Hesse as a business location in the long term. We invest up to 10 million euros per company flexibly and as needed throughout the entire company life cycle.”

Benedict Boos found fitting words when it came to innovation: “Innovation and courageous entrepreneurs who are prepared to take risks, even if failure is possible, are essential for a healthy economy and secure jobs. Despite promising approaches, we would still like to see more targeted support through financing that promotes companies in all phases of growth.”


#distral #digitaltransformation #digitales.hessen